Your support helps us to spread the Gospel through media
We are – a Christian youth TV station based in Nairobi, whose mission is to transform the lives of young people across the Nairobi Metropolitan area with the life-transforming message of Christ. Through Zoe TV, many young lives have been ministered to, and we’re encouraged by the wonderful testimonies of how God has transformed hearts and brought hope to a generation.
This work has been possible thanks to individuals and families who’ve partnered with us to keep our signal on air. I invite you to join this meaningful mission by becoming a partner. Your support will directly contribute to enabling more people to hear the message of Christ and experience His love.
You can choose a partnership level that works for you:
– Bronze (KES 1,000/month)
– Silver (KES 2,500/month)
– Gold (KES 5,000/month)
– Platinum (KES 10,000/month)
– Angel partner (Over KES 10,000/month)
Together, we can make a lasting impact in the lives of young people!
Please click the link below to select your preferred option and support this mission.
Paybill: 529901
Account: 1152011108002
+254 720 520052
Account Name: Life Point Church
Bank: Kingdom Bank
Branch: Kiimani
Account Number: 1152011108002
Swift Code: CIFIKENA
Paypal Account:
You can give via WorldRemit or SendWave phone money to +254 720 520052.
You can give cash and cheques in person.
Here is a link with further details on international bank transfers.
Our dear partners, you are big part in the effort of transforming lives through media